Dr. iur. Gerd-Hans Schock, born in 1962, studied law in Mainz, Dijon, Tübingen and Heidelberg. He graduated from his studies in Dijon with a diplôme des études générale (general university diploma). In 1992, he attended the Summer Program of the Columbia University, New York.
From 1991 until 1993, Dr. Schock worked as a scientific associate (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) for Prof. Dr. W. Möschel in Tübingen, who also supervised Dr. Schock’s doctoral thesis in stock corporation law.
Dr. Schock has been practising law in Germany as an attorney since 1995. After passing the examen d’aptitude, he was admitted in 1998 in Paris as an Avocat à la Cour. He has been qualified as a specialist tax attorney (Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht) since 2002. In 2007, he completed the training for specialist inheritance attorney.
Counsellor Schock regularly gives lectures, in particular about German and French commercial law before foreign trade associations and law societies.
Languages: German, French and English
- Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V.
(German Bar Association) - Saarländischer Anwaltverein e.V.
(Saarland Bar Association) - Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Internationalen Rechtsverkehr im Deutschen Anwaltverein
(International Section of the German Bar Association) - Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Fachanwälte für Steuerrecht e.V.
(Association of Specialist Tax Attorneys) - Deutsche Anwalts- und Steuerberatervereinigung für die mittelständische Wirtschaft e.V.
(German Association of Attorneys and Tax Advisors for Medium -Sized Businesses) - Arbeitskreis Wirtschaft e.V.
(Association for Business Relations)